Grading System

In the Bologna process as KFU is rather experienced so it widely implements practices of converting ECTS credits and marks to Russian system and vice versa.

The study workload is evaluated in academic hours in Russian Federation (RF) where one academic hour equals to 45 minutes and One RF credit (36 academic hours) is equal to 1 ECTS credit.

Local KFU grading system is the following:

According to the article 3.13 of the charter of Kazan Federal University of May 19, 2011, 5 – “excellent”,

  • 4 – “good”,
  • 3 – “satisfactory”,
  • 2 – “fail”.
  • The lowest satisfactory grade is 3 (“satisfactory”).
  • The lowest grade is 2 (“fail”).
  • The highest grade is 5 (“excellent”).

Some courses are graded using Pass/Fail system according to academic plan. Under this system, students earning a grade from “3” to “5” in a course will have “Passed” recorded on the trans¬cript for that course; a grade of “2” will be recorded as “Fail”. “Passed” and “Fail” grades shall not be used in computing grade point averages.

Table on converting ECTS marks into KFU system
Numerical system Numerical system (des¬criptively) Merit based system Pass/Fail system Converted to ECTS grades
5 Excellent (отлично) 86 – 100% Passed A
4 Good (хорошо) 71 – 85% Passed B
3 Satisfactory (удовлетворительно) 55 – 70% Passed C-D
2 0 – 54% 2 Failed F

Source of information: Department of External Affairs

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